We use only the finest GOTS certified cotton for our organic cotton swaddles and organic cotton playmats because we know it is best for your baby and best for our planet.
The process
Love & Lee 100% GOTS certified organic cotton swaddles and playmats are sourced from the finest Indian cotton manufacturers who support fair trade and create local employment opportunities and support local farmers to switch to organic practices.
GOTS certification ensures strict social and environmental critera are met along the supply chain. GOTS is an internationally recognised body which prohibits the use of harmful and hormone disrupting chemicals, which can harm your baby as well as disrupt the ecological environment and biodiversity.
We care about your babies which is why we will only ever produce cotton swaddles and playmats made from 100% GOTS certified cotton.
The Plant
The organic cotton grown for Love & Lee swaddles and playmats is organically certified by GOTS ensuring no harmful synthetic chemicals such as fertilisers or pesticides are used in the process.
Organically grown cotton promotes diversity and eco-systems rather than stripping them away. We wouldn't dream of using any other type of cotton for your precious babies and our precious Earth.